Have you heard of the Bechdel Test? In order to pass, a movie has to check three boxes: (1) it has to have at least two women in it, (2) who talk to each other, (3) about something besides a man.
Bridesmaids aces the Bechdel Test. In doing so, it strikes a mighty blow for the cause of fully realized female film characters and for women, generally. But more importantly, this happens:
In all seriousness, Bridesmaids taps into a strangely ignored but rich comedic vein. At least for me, women's relationships with each other are inherently more complicated (hence: interesting) than two dudes being dudely together (which is approximately 97% of comedies these days). Focusing a comedy on the status and personality conflicts among a group of bridesmaids is therefore a pretty damn good recipe for funny.
Or maybe I just really wonder what you ladies are talking about when you go powder your noses together. Amiright, fellas? (Cracks open Bud Light, puts hand in underwear, watches a rerun of an old football game).
Anyway, you've seen this movie by now, so you don't need me to tell you its hilarious. Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, and Melissa McCarthy FTW, etc. etc. And OMG!!11!! RHODES! (Chris O'Dowd) is THE perfect guy. You can't beat a movie that's set in Milwaukee and features a Wilson Phillips cameo.
The star of the movie, though, has got be the groom-to-be, Dougie (Tim Heidecker).
Guy literally says two words the entire movie: "I do." He is the ultimate Baxter. Thankfully, however, he isn't left at the altar. Well done, Dougie, well done.
Also: Why has nobody done a "pooped in my wedding dress" scene, before?
Also: Why has nobody done a "pooped in my wedding dress" scene, before?
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