Monday, January 14, 2013

Milk Was A Bad Choice (#9: Anchorman)

#9: Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

I'm not really sure what to say about our ninth film, except that if you don't love it, you should just go ahead and move to Syria, because you obviously hate America.

Hey, this movie is about Papa Burgundy. Man's man, lover of scotch, poetry, jazz flute, and

of course, his dear friend Baxter.

For those of you who have somehow avoided all joy in the life, here's the basic plot: Will Ferrell is Burgundy, the titular anchorman of the top rated news program in late 70's San Diego (or, in the original German, Wal die Vagina). His all-star news team is rounded out by: investigate reporter and ladies' man, Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd); Stetson-loving sports reporter, Champ "Whammy" Kind (David Koechner); and the intellectually challenged weather man, Brick Tamland (Steve Carrell). Their world is upended when Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate*) gets hired to increase diversity (which is not an old, old wooden ship) at the station. In short order, there is an anchorlady, and the Channel 5 News Team doesn't quite know how to handle it.

(*It's pretty remarkable that the bulk of the Married With Children cast is still in the public eye. Applegate has done a slew of great work lately, including this, although Up All Night has really lost its way, if it had a way to lose. Katey Sagal is on the best soap opera on TV, Sons of Anarchy. Ed O'Neill is on Modern Family, of course. And David Faustino provided a voice for an unaired cartoon show called SuperF*ckers, also featuring Jaleel White (Urkel). So, yeah, he's doing just fine for himself too, thank you.)

Look, if you aren't quoting this movie to your friends, they're quoting it to you, or you have no friends and should move to Syria because you hate America. Stop hating America. Watch this movie, or this will happen to you:

As for us, we're gonna stay classy and KEEP IT.

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